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If you are looking for a good working and professionally trained dog

- you've come to the right place

Dual Purpose Dog


Dual purpose dog is trained for either patrol and narcotics detection or patrol and explosives detection.


Service Dogs


Service Dogs are widely used in the protection of federal facilities, personnel, and assets. There are programs which provide management solutions to support government agencies and multinational corporations in high risk.

Family Dogs


We tell everybody to truly take a deep dive into your lifestyle. Are you going to have enough time to give the breed that you want the mental and physical stimulation that they need in order to be happy? Dogs rely on us heavily, so you want to make sure that if you have a very active breed, you have an active lifestyle.

Puppy Project


We start the selection of puppies at the age of 7 weeks and choose only the best ones that have the best behavior, susceptibility to training and, of course, genetics

Green Dogs


Dog4police  it’s also possible to order or acquire "green dogs"


These dogs haven’t completed the full Training plan yet, but they have complete the first step of the training plan.

This means the dogs are:

-Tested if they are suitable for further training,

-Ready to get a specialized training,

-Obedient: they all completed a basic obedience training,

-Healthy: all dogs passed the medical tests including x-rays.

Detection Dogs


We prepare dogs for different levels and a diffrent range of scents

- explosive detection,

- search and rescue.

Dog For Sale

Dog For Adoption

Training and sales
of military and police dogs

Tomasz Wlizlo 

dog trainer

 +48 504 295 204

Pliszczyn 140 C,

20-258 Pliszczyn, POLAND


About Us

M. Sc. Animal Science 

Tomasz Wlizlo


  • author and main lecturer of courses carried out by Frambos Academy, 
  • founder of the Frambos Club K - 9 club, 
  • a breeder of sports and service dogs, Belgian Malinois and German Shepherds since 2000,
  • 20 years of experience in training guides and dogs for sports and K-9 services,
  • dog training instructor and licensed simulator of the Kennel Club in Poland,
  • assistant of the Kennel Club Obedience and Defense in Poland,
  • competitor and multiple participant in the Defense Dogs World Championships,
  • head of the Polish team taking part in the FMBB I FCI 2006 and 2007 World Championships,
  • cooperates with institutions dealing with adoptive dogs,
  • professional experience: over 10,000 cases of dogs showing behavioral problems have been solved, including several thousand encounters with aggressive dogs.

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